Function Macro


since: 2.50

Declaration [src]


Description [src]

A stack-allocated GVariantDict must be initialized if it is used together with g_auto() to avoid warnings or crashes if function returns before g_variant_dict_init() is called on the builder.

This macro can be used as initializer instead of an explicit zeroing a variable when declaring it and a following g_variant_dict_init(), but it cannot be assigned to a variable.

The passed asv has to live long enough for GVariantDict to gather the entries from, as the gathering does not happen in the G_VARIANT_DICT_INIT() call, but rather in functions that make sure that GVariantDict is valid. In context where the initialization value has to be a constant expression, the only possible value of asv is NULL. It is still possible to call g_variant_dict_init() safely with a different asv right after the variable was initialized with G_VARIANT_DICT_INIT().

  g_autoptr(GVariant) variant = get_asv_variant ();
  g_auto(GVariantDict) dict = G_VARIANT_DICT_INIT (variant);

Available since: 2.50

This function is not directly available to language bindings.



Type: -

A GVariant*