

since: 2.8

Declaration [src]

g_chmod (
  const gchar* filename,
  int mode

Description [src]

A wrapper for the POSIX chmod() function. The chmod() function is used to set the permissions of a file system object.

On Windows the file protection mechanism is not at all POSIX-like, and the underlying chmod() function in the C library just sets or clears the FAT-style READONLY attribute. It does not touch any ACL. Software that needs to manage file permissions on Windows exactly should use the Win32 API.

See your C library manual for more details about chmod().

Available since: 2.8



Type: const gchar*

A pathname in the GLib file name encoding (UTF-8 on Windows)

The data is owned by the caller of the function.
The value is a file system path, using the OS encoding.

Type: int

As in chmod()

Return value

Type: int

0 if the operation succeeded, -1 on error.