

since: 2.50

Declaration [src]

g_log_writer_journald (
  GLogLevelFlags log_level,
  const GLogField* fields,
  gsize n_fields,
  gpointer user_data

Description [src]

Format a structured log message and send it to the systemd journal as a set of key–value pairs.

All fields are sent to the journal, but if a field has length zero (indicating program-specific data) then only its key will be sent.

This is suitable for use as a GLogWriterFunc.

If GLib has been compiled without systemd support, this function is still defined, but will always return GLogWriterOutput.

Available since: 2.50



Type: GLogLevelFlags

Log level, either from GLogLevelFlags, or a user-defined level.


Type: An array of GLogField

Key–value pairs of structured data forming the log message.

The length of the array is specified in the n_fields argument.
The data is owned by the caller of the function.

Type: gsize

Number of elements in the fields array.


Type: gpointer

User data passed to g_log_set_writer_func()

The argument can be NULL.
The data is owned by the caller of the function.

Return value

Type: GLogWriterOutput

GLogWriterOutput on success, GLogWriterOutput otherwise.