

Declaration [src]

g_set_print_handler (
  GPrintFunc func

Description [src]

Sets the print handler to func, or resets it to the default GLib handler if NULL.

Any messages passed to g_print() will be output via the new handler. The default handler outputs the encoded message to stdout. By providing your own handler you can redirect the output, to a GTK widget or a log file for example.

Since 2.76 this functions always returns a valid GPrintFunc, and never returns NULL. If no custom print handler was set, it will return the GLib default print handler and that can be re-used to decorate its output and/or to write to stderr in all platforms. Before GLib 2.76, this was NULL.

This function is not directly available to language bindings.



Type: GPrintFunc

The new print handler or NULL to reset to the default.

The argument can be NULL.

Return value

Type: GPrintFunc

The old print handler.