

Description [src]

class Atk.Hyperlink : GObject.Object
  implements Atk.Action {
  /* No available fields */

An ATK object which encapsulates a link or set of links (for instance in the case of client-side image maps) in a hypertext document. It may implement the AtkAction interface. AtkHyperlink may also be used to refer to inline embedded content, since it allows specification of a start and end offset within the host AtkHypertext object.


hierarchy this AtkHyperlink implements_0 AtkAction this--implements_0 ancestor_0 GObject ancestor_0--this



Instance methods


Gets the index with the hypertext document at which this link ends.


Gets the number of anchors associated with this hyperlink.


Returns the item associated with this hyperlinks nth anchor. For instance, the returned AtkObject will implement AtkText if link_ is a text hyperlink, AtkImage if link_ is an image hyperlink etc.


Gets the index with the hypertext document at which this link begins.


Get a the URI associated with the anchor specified by i of link_.


Indicates whether the link currently displays some or all of its content inline. Ordinary HTML links will usually return FALSE, but an inline <src> HTML element will return TRUE.


Determines whether this AtkHyperlink is selected.

deprecated: 1.8 since: 1.4


Since the document that a link is associated with may have changed this method returns TRUE if the link is still valid (with respect to the document it references) and FALSE otherwise.

Methods inherited from GObject (43)

Please see GObject for a full list of methods.

Methods inherited from AtkAction (7)

Perform the specified action on the object.


Returns a description of the specified action of the object.


Gets the keybinding which can be used to activate this action, if one exists. The string returned should contain localized, human-readable, key sequences as they would appear when displayed on screen. It must be in the format “mnemonic;sequence;shortcut”.


Returns the localized name of the specified action of the object.


Gets the number of accessible actions available on the object. If there are more than one, the first one is considered the “default” action of the object.


Returns a non-localized string naming the specified action of the object. This name is generally not descriptive of the end result of the action, but instead names the ‘interaction type’ which the object supports. By convention, the above strings should be used to represent the actions which correspond to the common point-and-click interaction techniques of the same name: i.e. “click”, “press”, “release”, “drag”, “drop”, “popup”, etc. The “popup” action should be used to pop up a context menu for the object, if one exists.


Sets a description of the specified action of the object.


No description available.

No description available.


Selected link.

deprecated: 1.8 

No description available.



The signal link-activated is emitted when a link is activated.

Signals inherited from GObject (1)

The notify signal is emitted on an object when one of its properties has its value set through g_object_set_property(), g_object_set(), et al.

Class structure

struct AtkHyperlinkClass {
  GObjectClass parent;
  gchar* (* get_uri) (
    AtkHyperlink* link_,
    gint i
  AtkObject* (* get_object) (
    AtkHyperlink* link_,
    gint i
  gint (* get_end_index) (
    AtkHyperlink* link_
  gint (* get_start_index) (
    AtkHyperlink* link_
  gboolean (* is_valid) (
    AtkHyperlink* link_
  gint (* get_n_anchors) (
    AtkHyperlink* link_
  guint (* link_state) (
    AtkHyperlink* link_
  gboolean (* is_selected_link) (
    AtkHyperlink* link_
  void (* link_activated) (
    AtkHyperlink* link_
  AtkFunction pad1;

No description available.

Class members
parent: GObjectClass

No description available.

get_uri: gchar* (* get_uri) ( AtkHyperlink* link_, gint i )

No description available.

get_object: AtkObject* (* get_object) ( AtkHyperlink* link_, gint i )

No description available.

get_end_index: gint (* get_end_index) ( AtkHyperlink* link_ )

No description available.

get_start_index: gint (* get_start_index) ( AtkHyperlink* link_ )

No description available.

is_valid: gboolean (* is_valid) ( AtkHyperlink* link_ )

No description available.

get_n_anchors: gint (* get_n_anchors) ( AtkHyperlink* link_ )

No description available.

link_state: guint (* link_state) ( AtkHyperlink* link_ )

No description available.

is_selected_link: gboolean (* is_selected_link) ( AtkHyperlink* link_ )

No description available.

link_activated: void (* link_activated) ( AtkHyperlink* link_ )

No description available.

pad1: AtkFunction

No description available.

Virtual methods


Gets the index with the hypertext document at which this link ends.


Gets the number of anchors associated with this hyperlink.


Returns the item associated with this hyperlinks nth anchor. For instance, the returned AtkObject will implement AtkText if link_ is a text hyperlink, AtkImage if link_ is an image hyperlink etc.


Gets the index with the hypertext document at which this link begins.


Get a the URI associated with the anchor specified by i of link_.

Determines whether this AtkHyperlink is selected.

deprecated: 1.8 since: 1.4


Since the document that a link is associated with may have changed this method returns TRUE if the link is still valid (with respect to the document it references) and FALSE otherwise.

No description available.

No description available.