


flags Atspi.KeyListenerSyncType

Description [src]

Specifies the type of a key listener event. The values above can and should be bitwise-‘OR’-ed together, observing the compatibility limitations specified in the description of each value. For instance, #ATSPI_KEYLISTENER_ALL_WINDOWS | #ATSPI_KEYLISTENER_CANCONSUME is a commonly used combination which gives the AT complete control over the delivery of matching events. However, such filters should be used sparingly as they may have a negative impact on system performance.



Events may be delivered asynchronously, which means in some cases they may already have been delivered to the application before the AT client receives the notification.

  • Value: 0
  • Available since: 2.0

Events are delivered synchronously, before the currently focussed application sees them.

  • Value: 1
  • Available since: 2.0

Events may be consumed by the AT client. Presumes and requires #ATSPI_KEYLISTENER_SYNCHRONOUS, incompatible with #ATSPI_KEYLISTENER_NOSYNC.

  • Value: 2
  • Available since: 2.0

Events are received not from the application toolkit layer, but from the device driver or windowing system subsystem; such notifications are ‘global’ in the sense that they are not broken or defeated by applications that participate poorly in the accessibility APIs, or not at all; however because of the intrusive nature of such snooping, it can have side-effects on certain older platforms. If unconditional event notifications, even when inaccessible or “broken” applications have focus, are not required, it may be best to avoid this enum value/flag.

  • Value: 4
  • Available since: 2.0