

since: 2.40

Declaration [src]

g_notification_set_default_action_and_target_value (
  GNotification* notification,
  const gchar* action,
  GVariant* target

Description [src]

Sets the default action of notification to action. This action is activated when the notification is clicked on. It must be an application-wide action (start with “app.”).

If target is non-NULL, action will be activated with target as its parameter. If target is floating, it will be consumed.

When no default action is set, the application that the notification was sent on is activated.

Available since: 2.40

This method is renamed to g_notification_set_default_action_and_target() in language bindings.



Type: const gchar*

An action name.

The data is owned by the caller of the method.
The value is a NUL terminated UTF-8 string.

Type: GVariant

A GVariant to use as actions parameter, or NULL.

The argument can be NULL.
The data is owned by the caller of the method.