

since: 2.26


closed (
  GDBusConnection* self,
  gboolean remote_peer_vanished,
  GError* error,
  gpointer user_data


Emitted when the connection is closed.

The cause of this event can be

  • If g_dbus_connection_close() is called. In this case remote_peer_vanished is set to FALSE and error is NULL.

  • If the remote peer closes the connection. In this case remote_peer_vanished is set to TRUE and error is set.

  • If the remote peer sends invalid or malformed data. In this case remote_peer_vanished is set to FALSE and error is set.

Upon receiving this signal, you should give up your reference to connection. You are guaranteed that this signal is emitted only once.

Default handler:

The default handler is called after the handlers added via g_signal_connect().

Available since: 2.26



Type: gboolean

TRUE if connection is closed because the remote peer closed its end of the connection.


Type: GError

A GError with more details about the event or NULL.

The argument can be NULL.
The data is owned by the caller of the function.