

since: 2.16

Declaration [src]

g_test_bug_base (
  const char* uri_pattern

Description [src]

Specify the base URI for bug reports.

The base URI is used to construct bug report messages for g_test_message() when g_test_bug() is called. Calling this function outside of a test case sets the default base URI for all test cases. Calling it from within a test case changes the base URI for the scope of the test case only. Bug URIs are constructed by appending a bug specific URI portion to uri_pattern, or by replacing the special string %s within uri_pattern if that is present.

If g_test_bug_base() is not called, bug URIs are formed solely from the value provided by g_test_bug().

Available since: 2.16



Type: const char*

The base pattern for bug URIs.

The data is owned by the caller of the function.
The value is a NUL terminated UTF-8 string.