

since: 4.14

Declaration [src]

gsk_stroke_set_dash (
  GskStroke* self,
  const float* dash,
  gsize n_dash

Description [src]

Sets the dash pattern to use.

A dash pattern is specified by an array of alternating non-negative values. Each value provides the length of alternate “on” and “off” portions of the stroke.

Each “on” segment will have caps applied as if the segment were a separate contour. In particular, it is valid to use an “on” length of 0 with GSK_LINE_CAP_ROUND or GSK_LINE_CAP_SQUARE to draw dots or squares along a path.

If n_dash is 0, if all elements in dash are 0, or if there are negative values in dash, then dashing is disabled.

If n_dash is 1, an alternating “on” and “off” pattern with the single dash length provided is assumed.

If n_dash is uneven, the dash array will be used with the first element in dash defining an “on” or “off” in alternating passes through the array.

You can specify a starting offset into the dash with gsk_stroke_set_dash_offset().

Available since: 4.14



Type: An array of float

the array of dashes.

The argument can be NULL.
The length of the array is specified in the n_dash argument.
The data is owned by the caller of the method.

Type: gsize

Number of elements in dash.