


flags Gtk.DestDefaults

Description [src]

The GtkDestDefaults enumeration specifies the various types of action that will be taken on behalf of the user for a drag destination site.



If set for a widget, GTK+, during a drag over this widget will check if the drag matches this widget’s list of possible targets and actions. GTK+ will then call gdk_drag_status() as appropriate.

  • Value: 1
  • Available since: 3.0

If set for a widget, GTK+ will draw a highlight on this widget as long as a drag is over this widget and the widget drag format and action are acceptable.

  • Value: 2
  • Available since: 3.0

If set for a widget, when a drop occurs, GTK+ will will check if the drag matches this widget’s list of possible targets and actions. If so, GTK+ will call gtk_drag_get_data() on behalf of the widget. Whether or not the drop is successful, GTK+ will call gtk_drag_finish(). If the action was a move, then if the drag was successful, then TRUE will be passed for the delete parameter to gtk_drag_finish().

  • Value: 4
  • Available since: 3.0

If set, specifies that all default actions should be taken.

  • Value: 7
  • Available since: 3.0