Virtual Method


since: 2.18

Declaration [src]

insert_text (
  GtkEntryBuffer* buffer,
  guint position,
  const gchar* chars,
  guint n_chars

Description [src]

Inserts n_chars characters of chars into the contents of the buffer, at position position.

If n_chars is negative, then characters from chars will be inserted until a null-terminator is found. If position or n_chars are out of bounds, or the maximum buffer text length is exceeded, then they are coerced to sane values.

Note that the position and length are in characters, not in bytes.

Available since: 2.18



Type: guint

The position at which to insert text.


Type: const gchar*

The text to insert into the buffer.

The data is owned by the caller of the method.
The value is a NUL terminated UTF-8 string.

Type: guint

The length of the text in characters, or -1

Return value

Type: guint

The number of characters actually inserted.