Virtual Method


Declaration [src]

get_preedit_string (
  GtkIMContext* context,
  gchar** str,
  PangoAttrList** attrs,
  gint* cursor_pos

Description [src]

Retrieve the current preedit string for the input context, and a list of attributes to apply to the string. This string should be displayed inserted at the insertion point.



Type: gchar**

Location to store the retrieved string. The string retrieved must be freed with g_free().

The argument will be set by the function.
The caller of the method takes ownership of the returned data, and is responsible for freeing it.
The value is a NUL terminated UTF-8 string.

Type: PangoAttrList

Location to store the retrieved attribute list. When you are done with this list, you must unreference it with pango_attr_list_unref().

The argument will be set by the function.
The caller of the method takes ownership of the returned data, and is responsible for freeing it.

Type: gint*

Location to store position of cursor (in characters) within the preedit string.

The argument will be set by the function.