Virtual Method


since: 2.4

Declaration [src]

get_layout_offsets (
  GtkScale* scale,
  gint* x,
  gint* y

Description [src]

Obtains the coordinates where the scale will draw the PangoLayout representing the text in the scale. Remember when using the PangoLayout function you need to convert to and from pixels using PANGO_PIXELS() or #PANGO_SCALE.

If the GtkScale:draw-value property is FALSE, the return values are undefined.

Available since: 2.4



Type: gint*

Location to store X offset of layout, or NULL.

The argument will be set by the function.
The argument can be NULL.

Type: gint*

Location to store Y offset of layout, or NULL.

The argument will be set by the function.
The argument can be NULL.