Gtk – 4.0
The GTK toolkit
Gdk—4.0 | The GTK windowing system abstraction |
Browse documentation | |
Gsk—4.0 | The GTK rendering abstraction |
Browse documentation |
Related libraries
GObject | The base type system library |
Browse documentation | |
GIO | GObject Interfaces and Objects, Networking, IPC, and I/O |
Browse documentation | |
Graphene | A thin layer of mathematical types for 3D libraries |
Browse documentation | |
Pango | Text shaping and rendering |
Browse documentation |
Additional documentation
- Overview
- Getting Started with GTK
- Building GTK
- Compiling GTK Applications on UNIX
- Running and debugging GTK Applications
- Common Questions
- Contact information and bug reports
- Initializing GTK
- Overview of actions in GTK
- Overview of GTK input and event handling
- Drag-and-Drop in GTK
- Overview of the drawing model
- Coordinate systems in GTK
- CSS in GTK
- GTK CSS Properties
- Accessibility
- List Widget Overview
- Text Widget Overview
- Tree and List Widget Overview
- Migrating from GTK 2.x to GTK 4
- Migrating from GTK 3.x to GTK 4
- Preparing for GTK 5
- The Broadway windowing system
- Using GTK on Apple macOS
- Using GTK with Wayland
- Using GTK on Windows
- Using GTK with X11
- Tools and Demos
- Widget Gallery
- The Node file format
- Classes Hierarchy
AboutDialog |
Displays information about a program. |
ActionBar |
Presents contextual actions. |
ActivateAction |
Activates a widget. |
Adjustment |
A model for a numeric value. |
AlertDialog |
Collects the arguments that are needed to present a message to the user. since: 4.10 |
AlternativeTrigger |
Combines two shortcut triggers. |
AnyFilter |
Matches an item when at least one of its filters matches. |
AppChooserButton |
The deprecated: 4.10 |
AppChooserDialog |
deprecated: 4.10 |
AppChooserWidget |
deprecated: 4.10 |
Application |
A high-level API for writing applications. |
ApplicationWindow |
A |
AspectFrame |
Preserves the aspect ratio of its child. |
Assistant |
deprecated: 4.10 |
AssistantPage |
deprecated: 4.10 |
ATContext |
Communicates with platform-specific assistive technologies API. |
BinLayout |
A layout manager for widgets with a single child. |
BookmarkList |
A list model that wraps |
BoolFilter |
Evaluates a boolean expression to determine whether to include items. |
Box |
Arranges child widgets into a single row or column. |
BoxLayout |
Arranges children in a single row or column. |
Builder |
Reads XML descriptions of a user interface and instantiates the described objects. |
BuilderCScope |
A |
BuilderListItemFactory |
Creates widgets by instantiating |
Button |
Calls a callback function when the button is clicked. |
Calendar |
Displays a Gregorian calendar, one month at a time. |
CallbackAction |
Invokes a callback. |
CClosureExpression |
A variant of |
CellArea |
An abstract class for laying out deprecated: 4.10 |
CellAreaBox |
A cell area that renders GtkCellRenderers into a row or a column. deprecated: 4.10 |
CellAreaContext |
Stores geometrical information for a series of rows in a GtkCellArea. deprecated: 4.10 |
CellRenderer |
An object for rendering a single cell. deprecated: 4.10 |
CellRendererAccel |
Renders a keyboard accelerator in a cell. deprecated: 4.10 |
CellRendererCombo |
Renders a combobox in a cell. deprecated: 4.10 |
CellRendererPixbuf |
Renders a pixbuf in a cell. deprecated: 4.10 |
CellRendererProgress |
Renders numbers as progress bars. deprecated: 4.10 |
CellRendererSpin |
Renders a spin button in a cell. deprecated: 4.10 |
CellRendererSpinner |
Renders a spinning animation in a cell. deprecated: 4.10 |
CellRendererText |
Renders text in a cell. deprecated: 4.10 |
CellRendererToggle |
Renders a toggle button in a cell. deprecated: 4.10 |
CellView |
A widget displaying a single row of a GtkTreeModel. deprecated: 4.10 |
CenterBox |
Arranges three children in a row, keeping the middle child centered as well as possible. |
CenterLayout |
Manages up to three children. |
CheckButton |
Places a label next to an indicator. |
ClosureExpression |
An expression using a custom |
ColorButton |
The deprecated: 4.10 |
ColorChooserDialog |
A dialog for choosing a color. deprecated: 4.10 |
ColorChooserWidget |
The deprecated: 4.10 |
ColorDialog |
Asynchronous API to present a color chooser dialog. since: 4.10 |
ColorDialogButton |
Opens a color chooser dialog to select a color. since: 4.10 |
ColumnView |
Presents a large dynamic list of items using multiple columns with headers. |
ColumnViewCell |
Represents items in a cell in since: 4.12 |
ColumnViewColumn |
Represents the columns in a |
ColumnViewRow |
Configures how rows are displayed in a since: 4.12 |
ColumnViewSorter |
Sorts since: 4.10 |
ComboBox |
A deprecated: 4.10 |
ComboBoxText |
A deprecated: 4.10 |
ConstantExpression |
A constant value in a |
Constraint |
Describes a constraint between attributes of two widgets, expressed as a linear equation. |
ConstraintGuide |
An invisible layout element in a |
ConstraintLayout |
Uses constraints to describe relations between widgets. |
ConstraintLayoutChild |
CssProvider |
A style provider for CSS. |
CustomFilter |
Determines whether to include items with a callback. |
CustomLayout |
Uses closures for size negotiation. |
CustomSorter |
Sorts items via a callback function. |
Dialog |
Dialogs are a convenient way to prompt the user for a small amount of input. deprecated: 4.10 |
DirectoryList |
A list model that wraps |
DragIcon |
A |
DragSource |
An event controller to initiate Drag-And-Drop operations. |
DrawingArea |
Allows drawing with cairo. |
DropControllerMotion |
An event controller tracking the pointer during Drag-and-Drop operations. |
DropDown |
Allows the user to choose an item from a list of options. |
DropTarget |
An event controller to receive Drag-and-Drop operations. |
DropTargetAsync |
An event controller to receive Drag-and-Drop operations, asynchronously. |
EditableLabel |
Allows users to edit the displayed text by switching to an “edit mode”. |
EmojiChooser |
Used by text widgets to let users insert Emoji characters. |
Entry |
A single-line text entry widget. |
EntryBuffer |
Holds the text that is displayed in a single-line text entry widget. |
EntryCompletion |
deprecated: 4.10 |
EventController |
The base class for event controllers. |
EventControllerFocus |
Tracks keyboard focus. |
EventControllerKey |
Provides access to key events. |
EventControllerLegacy |
Provides raw access to the event stream. |
EventControllerMotion |
Tracks the pointer position. |
EventControllerScroll |
Handles scroll events. |
EveryFilter |
Matches an item when each of its filters matches. |
Expander |
Allows the user to reveal or conceal a child widget. |
Expression |
Provides a way to describe references to values. |
FileChooserDialog |
deprecated: 4.10 |
FileChooserNative |
deprecated: 4.10 |
FileChooserWidget |
deprecated: 4.10 |
FileDialog |
Asynchronous API to present a file chooser dialog. since: 4.10 |
FileFilter |
Filters files by name or mime type. |
FileLauncher |
Asynchronous API to open a file with an application. since: 4.10 |
Filter |
Describes the filtering to be performed by a |
FilterListModel |
A list model that filters the elements of another model. |
Fixed |
Places its child widgets at fixed positions and with fixed sizes. |
FixedLayout |
Places child widgets at fixed positions. |
FixedLayoutChild |
FlattenListModel |
A list model that concatenates other list models. |
FlowBox |
Puts child widgets in a reflowing grid. |
FlowBoxChild |
The kind of widget that can be added to a |
FontButton |
The deprecated: 4.10 |
FontChooserDialog |
The deprecated: 4.10 |
FontChooserWidget |
The deprecated: 4.10 |
FontDialog |
Asynchronous API to present a font chooser dialog. since: 4.10 |
FontDialogButton |
Opens a font chooser dialog to select a font. since: 4.10 |
Frame |
Surrounds its child with a decorative frame and an optional label. |
Gesture |
The base class for gesture recognition. |
GestureClick |
Recognizes click gestures. |
GestureDrag |
Recognizes drag gestures. |
GestureLongPress |
Recognizes long press gestures. |
GesturePan |
Recognizes pan gestures. |
GestureRotate |
Recognizes 2-finger rotation gestures. |
GestureSingle |
A |
GestureStylus |
Recognizes tablet stylus input. |
GestureSwipe |
Recognizes swipe gestures. |
GestureZoom |
Recognizes 2-finger pinch/zoom gestures. |
GLArea |
Allows drawing with OpenGL. |
GraphicsOffload |
Bypasses gsk rendering by passing the content of its child directly to the compositor. since: 4.14 |
Grid |
Arranges its child widgets in rows and columns. |
GridLayout |
Arranges child widgets in rows and columns. |
GridLayoutChild |
GridView |
Presents a large dynamic grid of items. |
HeaderBar |
Creates a custom titlebar for a window. |
IconPaintable |
Contains information found when looking up an icon in |
IconTheme |
Loads themed icons. |
IconView |
deprecated: 4.10 |
Image |
Displays an image. |
IMContext |
The interface for GTK input methods. |
IMContextSimple |
Supports compose sequences, dead keys and numeric Unicode input. |
IMMulticontext |
Supports switching between multiple input methods. |
InfoBar |
deprecated: 4.10 |
Inscription |
Shows text in a predefined area. since: 4.8 |
KeyvalTrigger |
Triggers when a specific keyval and modifiers are pressed. |
Label |
Displays a small amount of text. |
LayoutChild |
The base class for objects that are meant to hold layout properties. |
LayoutManager |
Handles the preferred size and allocation for children of a widget. |
LevelBar |
Shows a level indicator. |
LinkButton |
A button with a hyperlink. |
ListBase |
The abstract base class for GTK’s list widgets. |
ListBox |
Shows a vertical list. |
ListBoxRow |
The kind of widget that can be added to a |
ListHeader |
Used by list widgets to represent the headers they display. since: 4.12 |
ListItem |
Used by list widgets to represent items in a |
ListItemFactory |
Creates widgets for the items taken from a |
ListStore |
A list-like data structure that can be used with the deprecated: 4.10 |
ListView |
Presents a large dynamic list of items. |
LockButton |
deprecated: 4.10 |
MapListModel |
A list model that maps the items in another model to different items. |
MediaControls |
Shows controls for video playback. |
MediaFile |
Implements the |
MediaStream |
The integration point for media playback inside GTK. |
MenuButton |
Displays a popup when clicked. |
MessageDialog |
deprecated: 4.10 |
MnemonicAction |
Activates a widget with a mnemonic. |
MnemonicTrigger |
Triggers when a specific mnemonic is pressed. |
MountOperation |
Asks the user for passwords and other information required to mount a volume. |
MultiFilter |
Base class for filters that combine multiple filters. |
MultiSelection |
A selection model that allows selecting multiple elements. |
MultiSorter |
Combines multiple sorters by trying them in turn. |
NamedAction |
Activates a named action. |
NativeDialog |
Base class for platform dialogs that don’t use |
NeverTrigger |
A |
NoSelection |
A selection model that does not allow selecting anything. |
Notebook |
Switches between children using tabs. |
NotebookPage |
An auxiliary object used by |
NothingAction |
Does nothing. |
NumericSorter |
Sorts items numerically. |
ObjectExpression |
A |
Overlay |
Places “overlay” widgets on top of a single main child. |
OverlayLayout |
The layout manager used by |
OverlayLayoutChild |
PadController |
Handles input from the pads found in drawing tablets. |
PageSetup |
Stores page size, orientation and margins for printing. |
PageSetupUnixDialog |
Presents a page setup dialog for platforms which don’t provide a native page setup dialog, like Unix. |
Paned |
Arranges its children in two panes, horizontally or vertically. |
ParamSpecExpression |
A |
PasswordEntry |
A single-line text entry widget for entering passwords and other secrets. |
PasswordEntryBuffer |
A since: 4.4 |
Picture |
Displays a |
Popover |
Presents a bubble-like popup. |
PopoverMenu |
A subclass of |
PopoverMenuBar |
Presents a horizontal bar of items that pop up menus when clicked. |
PrintContext |
Encapsulates context information that is required when drawing pages for printing. |
PrintDialog |
Asynchronous API to present a print dialog to the user. since: 4.14 |
Printer |
Represents a printer. |
PrintJob |
Represents a job that is sent to a printer. |
PrintOperation |
High-level, portable printing API. |
PrintSettings |
Collects the settings of a print dialog in a system-independent way. |
PrintUnixDialog |
A print dialog for platforms which don’t provide a native print dialog, like Unix. |
ProgressBar |
Displays the progress of a long-running operation. |
PropertyExpression |
A |
Range |
Base class for widgets which visualize an adjustment. |
RecentManager |
Manages and looks up recently used files. |
Revealer |
Animates the transition of its child from invisible to visible. |
Scale |
Allows to select a numeric value with a slider control. |
ScaleButton |
Provides a button which pops up a scale widget. |
Scrollbar |
Shows a horizontal or vertical scrollbar. |
ScrolledWindow |
Makes its child scrollable. |
SearchBar |
Reveals a search entry when search is started. |
SearchEntry |
A single-line text entry widget for use as a search entry. |
SelectionFilterModel |
A list model that presents the selection from a |
Separator |
Draws a horizontal or vertical line to separate other widgets. |
Settings |
Provides a mechanism to share global settings between applications. |
Shortcut |
Describes a keyboard shortcut. |
ShortcutAction |
Encodes an action that can be triggered by a keyboard shortcut. |
ShortcutController |
Manages keyboard shortcuts and their activation. |
ShortcutLabel |
deprecated: 4.18 |
ShortcutsGroup |
A deprecated: 4.18 |
ShortcutsSection |
A deprecated: 4.18 |
ShortcutsShortcut |
A deprecated: 4.18 |
ShortcutsWindow |
A deprecated: 4.18 |
ShortcutTrigger |
Tracks how a |
SignalAction |
Emits a signal on a widget. |
SignalListItemFactory |
Emits signals to manage listitems. |
SingleSelection |
A selection model that allows selecting a single item. |
SizeGroup |
Groups widgets together so they all request the same size. |
SliceListModel |
A list model that presents a slice of another model. |
Snapshot |
Assists in creating |
Sorter |
Describes sorting criteria for a |
SortListModel |
A list model that sorts the elements of another model. |
SpinButton |
Allows to enter or change numeric values. |
Spinner |
Displays an icon-size spinning animation. |
Stack |
Shows one of its children at a time. |
StackPage |
An auxiliary class used by |
StackSidebar |
Uses a sidebar to switch between |
StackSwitcher |
Shows a row of buttons to switch between |
Statusbar |
A deprecated: 4.10 |
StringFilter |
Determines whether to include items by comparing strings to a fixed search term. |
StringList |
A list model that wraps an array of strings. |
StringObject |
The type of items in a |
StringSorter |
Sorts items by comparing strings. |
StyleContext |
deprecated: 4.10 |
Switch |
Shows a “light switch” that has two states: on or off. |
Text |
A single-line text entry. |
TextBuffer |
Stores text and attributes for display in a |
TextChildAnchor |
Marks a spot in a |
TextMark |
Marks a position in a |
TextTag |
Can be applied to text contained in a |
TextTagTable |
Collects the tags in a |
TextView |
Displays the contents of a |
ToggleButton |
Shows a button which remains “pressed-in” when clicked. |
Tooltip |
Represents a widget tooltip. |
TreeExpander |
Provides an expander for a tree-like list. |
TreeListModel |
A list model that can create child models on demand. |
TreeListRow |
The type of item used by |
TreeListRowSorter |
Applies a gives sorter to the levels in a tree. |
TreeModelFilter |
A deprecated: 4.10 |
TreeModelSort |
A GtkTreeModel which makes an underlying tree model sortable. deprecated: 4.10 |
TreeSelection |
The selection object for GtkTreeView. deprecated: 4.10 |
TreeStore |
A tree-like data structure that can be used with the deprecated: 4.10 |
TreeView |
A widget for displaying both trees and lists. deprecated: 4.10 |
TreeViewColumn |
A visible column in a deprecated: 4.10 |
UriLauncher |
Asynchronous API to open a uri with an application. since: 4.10 |
Video |
Shows a |
Viewport |
Implements scrollability for widgets that don’t support scrolling on their own. |
VolumeButton |
deprecated: 4.10 |
Widget |
The base class for all widgets. |
WidgetPaintable |
A |
Window |
A toplevel window which can contain other widgets. |
WindowControls |
Shows window frame controls. |
WindowGroup |
Creates groups of windows that behave like separate applications. |
WindowHandle |
Implements titlebar functionality for a window. |
Accessible |
An interface for describing UI elements for Assistive Technologies. |
AccessibleRange |
An interface for accessible objects containing a numeric value. since: 4.10 |
AccessibleText |
An interface for accessible objects containing formatted text. since: 4.14 |
Actionable |
Provides a way to associate widgets with actions. |
AppChooser |
deprecated: 4.10 |
Buildable |
Allows objects to extend and customize deserialization from ui files. |
BuilderScope |
Provides language binding support to |
CellEditable |
Interface for widgets that can be used for editing cells. deprecated: 4.10 |
CellLayout |
An interface for packing cells. deprecated: 4.10 |
ColorChooser |
deprecated: 4.10 |
ConstraintTarget |
Makes it possible to use an object as source or target in a
Editable |
Interface for single-line text editing widgets. |
FileChooser |
deprecated: 4.10 |
FontChooser |
deprecated: 4.10 |
Native |
An interface for widgets that have their own |
Orientable |
An interface for widgets that can be oriented horizontally or vertically. |
PrintOperationPreview |
The interface that is used to implement print preview. |
Root |
An interface for widgets that can act as the root of a widget hierarchy. |
Scrollable |
An interface for widgets with native scrolling ability. |
SectionModel |
An interface that adds support for sections to list models. since: 4.12 |
SelectionModel |
An interface that adds support for selection to list models. |
ShortcutManager |
An interface that is used to implement shortcut scopes. |
StyleProvider |
An interface for style information used by |
SymbolicPaintable |
An interface that supports symbolic colors in paintables. since: 4.6 |
TreeDragDest |
Interface for Drag-and-Drop destinations in deprecated: 4.10 |
TreeDragSource |
Interface for Drag-and-Drop destinations in deprecated: 4.10 |
TreeModel |
The tree interface used by GtkTreeView. deprecated: 4.10 |
TreeSortable |
The interface for sortable models used by GtkTreeView. deprecated: 4.10 |
AccessibleList |
Wraps a list of references to since: 4.14 |
AccessibleTextRange |
A range inside the text of an accessible object. since: 4.14 |
Bitset |
A set of unsigned integers. |
BitsetIter |
Iterates over the elements of a |
Border |
Specifies a border around a rectangular area. |
BuildableParseContext |
Provides context for parsing GtkBuilder UI files. |
BuildableParser |
A sub-parser for |
CssLocation |
Points at a location inside a CSS stream. |
CssSection |
Defines a part of a CSS document. |
CssStyleChange |
A CSS style change. |
ExpressionWatch |
An opaque structure representing a watched |
PadActionEntry |
Struct defining a pad action entry. |
PageRange |
A range of pages to print. |
PaperSize |
PrintBackend |
A print backend. |
PrintSetup |
An auxiliary object for printing that allows decoupling the setup from the printing. since: 4.14 |
RecentData |
Meta-data to be passed to |
RecentInfo |
Contains the metadata associated with an item in the recently used files list. |
RequestedSize |
Represents a request of a screen object in a given orientation. |
Requisition |
Represents the desired size of a widget. |
ScrollInfo |
Provides detailed information on how a scroll operation should be performed. since: 4.12 |
TextIter |
Iterates over the contents of a |
TreeIter |
The deprecated: 4.10 |
TreePath |
An opaque structure representing a path to a row in a model. deprecated: 4.10 |
TreeRowReference |
A GtkTreeRowReference tracks model changes so that it always refers to the
same row (a deprecated: 4.10 |
Allocation |
The rectangle representing the area allocated for a widget by its parent. |
AccessibleAnnouncementPriority |
The priority of an accessibility announcement. since: 4.14 |
AccessibleAutocomplete |
The possible values for the |
AccessibleInvalidState |
The possible values for the |
AccessiblePlatformState |
The various platform states which can be queried
using since: 4.10 |
AccessibleProperty |
The possible accessible properties of a |
AccessibleRelation |
The possible accessible relations of a |
AccessibleRole |
The accessible role for a |
AccessibleSort |
The possible values for the |
AccessibleState |
The possible accessible states of a |
AccessibleTextContentChange |
The type of contents change operation. since: 4.14 |
AccessibleTextGranularity |
The granularity for queries about the text contents of a since: 4.14 |
AccessibleTristate |
The possible values for the |
Align |
Controls how a widget deals with extra space in a single dimension. |
ArrowType |
Indicates the direction in which an arrow should point. |
AssistantPageType |
Determines the role of a page inside a deprecated: 4.10 |
BaselinePosition |
Baseline position in a row of widgets. |
BorderStyle |
Describes how the border of a UI element should be rendered. |
ButtonsType |
Prebuilt sets of buttons for |
CellRendererAccelMode |
The available modes for deprecated: 4.20 |
CellRendererMode |
Identifies how the user can interact with a particular cell. deprecated: 4.20 |
Collation |
Describes how a since: 4.10 |
ConstraintAttribute |
The widget attributes that can be used when creating a |
ConstraintRelation |
The relation between two terms of a constraint. |
ConstraintStrength |
The strength of a constraint, expressed as a symbolic constant. |
ContentFit |
Controls how a content should be made to fit inside an allocation. since: 4.8 |
CornerType |
Specifies which corner a child widget should be placed in when packed into
a |
CssParserWarning |
Warnings that can occur while parsing CSS. |
DeleteType |
Passed to various keybinding signals for deleting text. |
DirectionType |
Focus movement types. |
EditableProperties |
The identifiers for |
EntryIconPosition |
Specifies the side of the entry at which an icon is placed. |
EventSequenceState |
Describes the state of a |
FileChooserAction |
Describes whether a |
FilterChange |
Describes changes in a filter in more detail and allows objects using the filter to optimize refiltering items. |
FilterMatch |
Describes the known strictness of a filter. |
FontLevel |
The level of granularity for the font selection. since: 4.10 |
FontRendering |
Values for the since: 4.16 |
GraphicsOffloadEnabled |
Represents the state of graphics offloading. since: 4.14 |
IconSize |
Built-in icon sizes. |
IconViewDropPosition |
An enum for determining where a dropped item goes. deprecated: 4.20 |
ImageType |
Describes the image data representation used by a |
InputPurpose |
Describes primary purpose of the input widget. |
InscriptionOverflow |
The different methods to handle text in since: 4.8 |
Justification |
Used for justifying the text inside a |
LevelBarMode |
Describes how |
License |
The type of license for an application. |
ListTabBehavior |
Used to configure the focus behavior in the since: 4.12 |
MessageType |
The type of message being displayed in a |
MovementStep |
Passed as argument to various keybinding signals for moving the cursor position. |
NaturalWrapMode |
Options for selecting a different wrap mode for natural size requests. since: 4.6 |
NotebookTab |
The parameter used in the action signals of |
NumberUpLayout |
Used to determine the layout of pages on a sheet when printing multiple pages per sheet. |
Ordering |
Describes the way two values can be compared. |
Orientation |
Represents the orientation of widgets and other objects. |
Overflow |
Defines how content overflowing a given area should be handled. |
PackType |
Represents the packing location of a children in its parent. |
PadActionType |
The type of a pad action. |
PageOrientation |
See also gtk_print_settings_set_orientation(). |
PageSet |
See also gtk_print_job_set_page_set(). |
PanDirection |
Describes the panning direction of a |
PolicyType |
Determines how the size should be computed to achieve the one of the visibility mode for the scrollbars. |
PositionType |
Describes which edge of a widget a certain feature is positioned at. |
PrintDuplex |
See also gtk_print_settings_set_duplex(). |
PrintOperationAction |
Determines what action the print operation should perform. |
PrintOperationResult |
The result of a print operation. |
PrintPages |
See also gtk_print_job_set_pages(). |
PrintQuality |
See also gtk_print_settings_set_quality(). |
PrintStatus |
The status gives a rough indication of the completion of a running print operation. |
PropagationLimit |
Describes limits of a |
PropagationPhase |
Describes the stage at which events are fed into a |
ResponseType |
Predefined values for use as response ids in gtk_dialog_add_button(). deprecated: 4.20 |
RevealerTransitionType |
These enumeration values describe the possible transitions
when the child of a |
ScrollablePolicy |
Defines the policy to be used in a scrollable widget when updating the scrolled window adjustments in a given orientation. |
ScrollStep |
Passed as argument to various keybinding signals. |
ScrollType |
Scrolling types. |
SelectionMode |
Used to control what selections users are allowed to make. |
SensitivityType |
Determines how GTK handles the sensitivity of various controls, such as combo box buttons. |
ShortcutScope |
Describes where |
ShortcutType |
GtkShortcutType specifies the kind of shortcut that is being described. |
SizeGroupMode |
The mode of the size group determines the directions in which the size group affects the requested sizes of its component widgets. |
SizeRequestMode |
Specifies a preference for height-for-width or width-for-height geometry management. |
SorterChange |
Describes changes in a sorter in more detail and allows users to optimize resorting. |
SorterOrder |
Describes the type of order that a |
SortType |
Determines the direction of a sort. |
SpinButtonUpdatePolicy |
Determines whether the spin button displays values outside the adjustment bounds. |
SpinType |
The values of the GtkSpinType enumeration are used to specify the change to make in gtk_spin_button_spin(). |
StackTransitionType |
Possible transitions between pages in a |
StringFilterMatchMode |
Specifies how search strings are matched inside text. |
SymbolicColor |
The indexes of colors passed to symbolic color rendering, such as
since: 4.6 |
SystemSetting |
Values that can be passed to the |
TextDirection |
Reading directions for text. |
TextExtendSelection |
Granularity types that extend the text selection. Use the
TextViewLayer |
Used to reference the layers of |
TextWindowType |
Used to reference the parts of |
TreeViewColumnSizing |
The sizing method the column uses to determine its width. Please note
that deprecated: 4.20 |
TreeViewDropPosition |
An enum for determining where a dropped row goes. deprecated: 4.20 |
TreeViewGridLines |
Used to indicate which grid lines to draw in a tree view. deprecated: 4.20 |
Unit |
See also gtk_print_settings_set_paper_width(). |
WrapMode |
Describes a type of line wrapping. |
ApplicationInhibitFlags |
Types of user actions that may be blocked by |
BuilderClosureFlags |
The list of flags that can be passed to gtk_builder_create_closure(). |
CellRendererState |
Tells how a cell is to be rendered. deprecated: 4.20 |
DebugFlags |
Flags to use with gtk_set_debug_flags(). |
DialogFlags |
Flags used to influence dialog construction. deprecated: 4.20 |
EventControllerScrollFlags |
Describes the behavior of a |
FontChooserLevel |
Specifies the granularity of font selection
that is desired in a deprecated: 4.20 |
IconLookupFlags |
Used to specify options for gtk_icon_theme_lookup_icon(). |
InputHints |
Describes hints that might be taken into account by input methods or applications. |
ListScrollFlags |
List of actions to perform when scrolling to items in a list widget. since: 4.12 |
PickFlags |
Flags that influence the behavior of |
PopoverMenuFlags |
Flags that affect how |
PrintCapabilities |
Specifies which features the print dialog should offer. |
ShortcutActionFlags |
Flags that can be passed to action activation. |
StateFlags |
Describes a widget state. |
StyleContextPrintFlags |
Flags that modify the behavior of gtk_style_context_to_string(). |
TextBufferNotifyFlags |
Values for since: 4.16 |
TextSearchFlags |
Flags affecting how a search is done. |
TreeModelFlags |
These flags indicate various properties of a deprecated: 4.10 |
Error Domains
BuilderError |
Error codes that identify various errors that can occur while using
ConstraintVflParserError |
Domain for VFL parsing errors. |
CssParserError |
Errors that can occur while parsing CSS. |
DialogError |
Error codes in the since: 4.10 |
FileChooserError |
These identify the various errors that can occur while calling
deprecated: 4.20 |
IconThemeError |
Error codes for |
PrintError |
Error codes that identify various errors that can occur while using the GTK printing support. |
RecentManagerError |
Error codes for |
AssistantPageFunc |
Type of callback used to calculate the next page in a |
CellAllocCallback |
The type of the callback functions used for iterating over the
cell renderers and their allocated areas inside a deprecated: 4.20 |
CellCallback |
The type of the callback functions used for iterating over
the cell renderers of a deprecated: 4.20 |
CellLayoutDataFunc |
A function which should set the value of deprecated: 4.20 |
CustomAllocateFunc |
A function to be used by |
CustomFilterFunc |
User function that is called to determine if the |
CustomMeasureFunc |
A function to be used by |
CustomRequestModeFunc |
Queries a widget for its preferred size request mode. |
DrawingAreaDrawFunc |
Whenever |
EntryCompletionMatchFunc |
A function which decides whether the row indicated by deprecated: 4.20 |
ExpressionNotify |
Callback called by |
FlowBoxCreateWidgetFunc |
Called for flow boxes that are bound to a |
FlowBoxFilterFunc |
A function that will be called whenever a child changes or is added. |
FlowBoxForeachFunc |
A function used by gtk_flow_box_selected_foreach(). |
FlowBoxSortFunc |
A function to compare two children to determine which should come first. |
FontFilterFunc |
The type of function that is used for deciding what fonts get
shown in a deprecated: 4.20 |
IconViewForeachFunc |
A function used by deprecated: 4.20 |
ListBoxCreateWidgetFunc |
Called for list boxes that are bound to a |
ListBoxFilterFunc |
Will be called whenever the row changes or is added and lets you control if the row should be visible or not. |
ListBoxForeachFunc |
A function used by gtk_list_box_selected_foreach(). |
ListBoxSortFunc |
Compare two rows to determine which should be first. |
ListBoxUpdateHeaderFunc |
Whenever |
MapListModelMapFunc |
User function that is called to map an |
MenuButtonCreatePopupFunc |
User-provided callback function to create a popup for a
PageSetupDoneFunc |
The type of function that is passed to gtk_print_run_page_setup_dialog_async(). |
PrinterFunc |
The type of function passed to gtk_enumerate_printers(). |
PrintJobCompleteFunc |
The type of callback that is passed to gtk_print_job_send(). |
PrintSettingsFunc |
Function called by |
ScaleFormatValueFunc |
Function that formats the value of a scale. |
ShortcutFunc |
Type for shortcuts based on user callbacks. |
TextBufferCommitNotify |
A notification callback used by since: 4.16 |
TextCharPredicate |
The predicate function used by |
TextTagTableForeach |
A function used with gtk_text_tag_table_foreach(),
to iterate over every |
TickCallback |
Callback type for adding a function to update animations. |
TreeCellDataFunc |
A function to set the properties of a cell instead of just using the straight mapping between the cell and the model. deprecated: 4.20 |
TreeIterCompareFunc |
A GtkTreeIterCompareFunc should return a negative integer, zero, or a positive
integer if deprecated: 4.20 |
TreeListModelCreateModelFunc |
Prototype of the function called to create new child models when
TreeModelFilterModifyFunc |
A function which calculates display values from raw values in the model.
It must fill deprecated: 4.20 |
TreeModelFilterVisibleFunc |
A function which decides whether the row indicated by deprecated: 4.20 |
TreeModelForeachFunc |
Type of the callback passed to deprecated: 4.20 |
TreeSelectionForeachFunc |
A function used by deprecated: 4.20 |
TreeSelectionFunc |
A function used by deprecated: 4.20 |
TreeViewColumnDropFunc |
Function type for determining whether deprecated: 4.20 |
TreeViewMappingFunc |
Function used for gtk_tree_view_map_expanded_rows(). deprecated: 4.20 |
TreeViewRowSeparatorFunc |
Function type for determining whether the row pointed to by deprecated: 4.20 |
TreeViewSearchEqualFunc |
A function used for checking whether a row in deprecated: 4.20 |
WidgetActionActivateFunc |
The type of the callback functions used for activating
actions installed with |
accelerator_get_default_mod_mask |
Gets the modifier mask. |
accelerator_get_label |
Converts an accelerator keyval and modifier mask into a string which can be used to represent the accelerator to the user. |
accelerator_get_label_with_keycode |
Converts an accelerator keyval and modifier mask into a string that can be displayed to the user. |
accelerator_name |
Converts an accelerator keyval and modifier mask into a string
that can be parsed by |
accelerator_name_with_keycode |
Converts an accelerator keyval and modifier mask
into a string that can be parsed by |
accelerator_parse |
Parses a string representing an accelerator. |
accelerator_parse_with_keycode |
Parses a string representing an accelerator. |
accelerator_valid |
Determines whether a given keyval and modifier mask constitute a valid keyboard accelerator. |
check_version |
Checks that the GTK library in use is compatible with the given version. |
css_parser_error_quark |
Registers an error quark for CSS parsing errors. |
css_parser_warning_quark |
Registers an error quark for CSS parsing warnings. |
disable_portals |
Prevents GTK from using portals. since: 4.18 |
disable_setlocale |
Prevents |
distribute_natural_allocation |
Distributes |
enumerate_printers |
Calls a function for all printers that are known to GTK. |
get_binary_age |
Returns the binary age as passed to |
get_debug_flags |
Returns the GTK debug flags that are currently active. |
get_default_language |
Returns the |
get_interface_age |
Returns the interface age as passed to |
get_locale_direction |
Gets the direction of the current locale. |
get_major_version |
Returns the major version number of the GTK library. |
get_micro_version |
Returns the micro version number of the GTK library. |
get_minor_version |
Returns the minor version number of the GTK library. |
hsv_to_rgb |
Converts a color from HSV space to RGB. |
init |
Initializes GTK. |
init_check |
Initializes GTK. |
is_initialized |
Returns whether GTK has been initialized. |
param_spec_expression |
Creates a new |
print_run_page_setup_dialog |
Runs a page setup dialog, letting the user modify the values from |
print_run_page_setup_dialog_async |
Runs a page setup dialog, letting the user modify the values from |
render_activity |
Renders an activity indicator (such as in deprecated: 4.10 |
render_arrow |
Renders an arrow pointing to deprecated: 4.10 |
render_background |
Renders the background of an element. deprecated: 4.10 |
render_check |
Renders a checkmark (as in a deprecated: 4.10 |
render_expander |
Renders an expander (as used in deprecated: 4.10 |
render_focus |
Renders a focus indicator on the rectangle determined by deprecated: 4.10 |
render_frame |
Renders a frame around the rectangle defined by deprecated: 4.10 |
render_handle |
Renders a handle (as in deprecated: 4.10 |
render_icon |
Renders the icon in deprecated: 4.10 |
render_layout |
Renders deprecated: 4.10 |
render_line |
Renders a line from (x0, y0) to (x1, y1). deprecated: 4.10 |
render_option |
Renders an option mark (as in a radio button), the deprecated: 4.10 |
rgb_to_hsv |
Converts a color from RGB space to HSV. |
set_debug_flags |
Sets the GTK debug flags. |
show_about_dialog |
A convenience function for showing an application’s about dialog. |
show_uri |
This function launches the default application for showing a given uri, or shows an error dialog if that fails. deprecated: 4.10 |
show_uri_full |
This function launches the default application for showing a given uri. deprecated: 4.10 |
show_uri_full_finish |
Finishes the deprecated: 4.10 |
test_accessible_assertion_message_role |
Prints an assertion message for gtk_test_accessible_assert_role(). |
test_accessible_check_property |
Checks whether the accessible |
test_accessible_check_relation |
Checks whether the accessible |
test_accessible_check_state |
Checks whether the accessible |
test_accessible_has_property |
Checks whether the |
test_accessible_has_relation |
Checks whether the |
test_accessible_has_role |
Checks whether the |
test_accessible_has_state |
Checks whether the |
test_init |
This function is used to initialize a GTK test program. |
test_list_all_types |
Return the type ids that have been registered after calling gtk_test_register_all_types(). |
test_register_all_types |
Force registration of all core GTK object types. |
test_widget_wait_for_draw |
Enters the main loop and waits for |
tree_create_row_drag_content |
Creates a content provider for dragging deprecated: 4.10 |
tree_get_row_drag_data |
Obtains a deprecated: 4.10 |
value_dup_expression |
Retrieves the |
value_get_expression |
Retrieves the |
value_set_expression |
Stores the given |
value_take_expression |
Stores the given |
Function Macros
builder_cscope_add_callback |
Adds the since: 4.8 |
This macro should be used to emit a warning about and unexpected |
This macro should be used to emit a standard warning about unexpected
properties in deprecated: 4.20 |
Returns true if the version of the GTK header files is the same as or newer than the passed-in version. |
Whether the |
test_accessible_assert_property |
Checks whether a |
test_accessible_assert_relation |
Checks whether a |
test_accessible_assert_role |
Checks whether a |
test_accessible_assert_state |
Checks whether a |
Evaluates to true if |
widget_class_bind_template_callback |
Binds a callback function defined in a template to the |
widget_class_bind_template_child |
Binds a child widget defined in a template to the |
widget_class_bind_template_child_internal |
Binds a child widget defined in a template to the |
widget_class_bind_template_child_internal_private |
Binds a child widget defined in a template to the |
widget_class_bind_template_child_private |
Binds a child widget defined in a template to the |
An attribute for the background color, expressed as an RGB value
encoded in a string using the format: |
An attribute for the font family name. |
An attribute for the foreground color, expressed as an RGB value
encoded in a string using the format: |
An attribute for the overline style. |
The “none” overline value for |
The “single” overline value for |
An attribute for the font size, expressed in points. |
An attribute for the font stretch type. |
The “condensed” stretch value for |
The “expanded” stretch value for |
The “extra condensed” stretch value for |
The “extra expanded” stretch value for |
The “normal” stretch value for |
The “semi condensed” stretch value for |
The “semi expanded” stretch value for |
The “ultra condensed” stretch value for |
The “ultra expanded” stretch value for |
An attribute for strikethrough text. |
An attribute for the font style. |
The “italic” style value for |
The “normal” style value for |
The “oblique” style value for |
An attribute for the underline style. |
The “double” underline value for |
The “error” underline value for |
The “none” underline value for |
The “single” underline value for |
An attribute for the font variant. |
The “all petite caps” variant value for |
The “all small caps” variant value for |
The “petite caps” variant value for |
The “small caps” variant value for |
The “title caps” variant value for |
The “unicase” variant value for |
An attribute for the font weight. |
An undefined value. The accessible attribute is either unset, or its value is undefined. |
Like |
The default name of the extension point. |
Constant to return from a signal handler for the ::input signal in case of conversion failure. |
Like |
The value used to refer to a guaranteed invalid position
in a |
The name used for the stock full offset included by |
The name used for the stock high offset included by |
The name used for the stock low offset included by |
Like |
Evaluates to the maximum length of a compose sequence. |
The default extension point name for media file. |
Like |
Like |
Name for the A3 paper size. |
Name for the A4 paper size. |
Name for the A5 paper size. |
Name for the B5 paper size. |
Name for the Executive paper size. |
Name for the Legal paper size. |
Name for the Letter paper size. |
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store whether to collate the printed pages. |
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the default source. |
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the dither used. |
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store whether to print the output in duplex. |
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the finishings. |
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the media type. |
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the number of copies. |
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the number of pages per sheet. |
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the number of pages per sheet in number-up mode. |
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the orientation. |
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the file name of the output without the path to the directory and the file extension. |
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the output bin. |
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the directory to which the output should be written. |
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the format of the output. The supported values are “PS” and “PDF”. |
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the URI to which the output should be written. GTK itself supports only “file://” URIs. |
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the array of page ranges to print. |
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the set of pages to print. |
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the page format. |
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the page height. |
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the paper width. |
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store which pages to print. |
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the printer name. |
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the resolution in lines per inch. |
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the printing quality. |
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the resolution in DPI. |
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the horizontal resolution in DPI. |
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the vertical resolution in DPI. |
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store whether to reverse the order of the printed pages. |
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the scale. |
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store whether to print with colors. |
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store 32-bit Windows extra driver. |
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the 32-bit Windows driver version. |
Use this priority for functionality related to size allocation. |
A priority that can be used when adding a |
The priority used for default style information that is used in the absence of themes. |
The priority used for style information provided
via |
The priority used for style information provided by themes. |
The priority used for the style information from
The priority at which the text view validates onscreen lines in an idle job in the background. |
Uses the default sort function in a deprecated: 4.20 |
Disables sorting in a deprecated: 4.20 |