Virtual Method


Declaration [src]

get_type_from_function (
  GtkBuilderScope* self,
  GtkBuilder* builder,
  const char* function_name

Description [src]

Try to lookup a GType via the given function name, specified explicitly in a GtkBuilder file, like via the “type-func” attribute in the <object> tag. This function is very rarely used. The C implementation will use dlsym() and call the resulting function as a GTypeFunc. The default implementation will fail and just return G_TYPE_INVALID.



Type: GtkBuilder

No description available.

The data is owned by the caller of the method.

Type: const char*

No description available.

The data is owned by the caller of the method.
The value is a NUL terminated UTF-8 string.

Return value

Type: GType

No description available.