Virtual Method


deprecated: 4.10 

Declaration [src]

start_editing (
  GtkCellRenderer* cell,
  GdkEvent* event,
  GtkWidget* widget,
  const char* path,
  const GdkRectangle* background_area,
  const GdkRectangle* cell_area,
  GtkCellRendererState flags

Description [src]

Starts editing the contents of this cell, through a new GtkCellEditable widget created by the GtkCellRendererClass.start_editing virtual function.

Deprecated since: 4.10

Please do not use it in newly written code.



Type: GdkEvent

A GdkEvent.

The argument can be NULL.
The data is owned by the caller of the method.

Type: GtkWidget

Widget that received the event.

The data is owned by the caller of the method.

Type: const char*

Widget-dependent string representation of the event location; e.g. for GtkTreeView, a string representation of GtkTreePath.

The data is owned by the caller of the method.
The value is a NUL terminated UTF-8 string.

Type: GdkRectangle

Background area as passed to gtk_cell_renderer_render().

The data is owned by the caller of the method.

Type: GdkRectangle

Cell area as passed to gtk_cell_renderer_render().

The data is owned by the caller of the method.

Type: GtkCellRendererState

Render flags.

Return value

Type: GtkCellEditable

A new GtkCellEditable for editing this cell, or NULL if editing is not possible.

The returned data is owned by the instance.
The return value can be NULL.