

Declaration [src]

atspi_event_listener_register_no_data (
  AtspiEventListenerSimpleCB callback,
  GDestroyNotify callback_destroyed,
  const gchar* event_type,
  GError** error

Description [src]

Registers an AtspiEventListenetSimpleCB. The method is similar to

atspi_event_listener_register, but callback takes no user_data.

This function is not directly available to language bindings.



Type: AtspiEventListenerSimpleCB

The AtspiEventListenerSimpleCB to be registered against an event type.


Type: GDestroyNotify

A GDestroyNotify called when the callback is destroyed.


Type: const gchar*

A character string indicating the type of events for which notification is requested. Format is EventClass:major_type:minor_type:detail where all subfields other than EventClass are optional. EventClasses include “object”, “window”, “mouse”, and toolkit events (e.g. “Gtk”, “AWT”). Examples: “focus:”, “Gtk:GtkWidget:button_press_event”.

The data is owned by the caller of the function.
The value is a NUL terminated UTF-8 string.

Type: GError **

The return location for a recoverable error.

The argument can be NULL.
If the return location is not NULL, then you must initialize it to a NULL GError*.
The argument will be left initialized to NULL by the function if there are no errors.
In case of error, the argument will be set to a newly allocated GError; the caller will take ownership of the data, and be responsible for freeing it.

Return value

Type: gboolean

TRUE if successfull, otherwise FALSE.