

since: 2.20

Declaration [src]

gdk_keymap_map_virtual_modifiers (
  GdkKeymap* keymap,
  GdkModifierType* state

Description [src]

Maps the virtual modifiers (i.e. Super, Hyper and Meta) which are set in state to their non-virtual counterparts (i.e. Mod2, Mod3,…) and set the corresponding bits in state.

This function is useful when matching key events against accelerators.

Available since: 2.20



Type: GdkModifierType

Pointer to the modifier state to map.

The argument will be modified by the function.
The caller of the method takes ownership of the returned data, and is responsible for freeing it.

Return value

Type: gboolean

FALSE if two virtual modifiers were mapped to the same non-virtual modifier. Note that FALSE is also returned if a virtual modifier is mapped to a non-virtual modifier that was already set in state.