

Declaration [src]

gdk_cursor_new_from_name (
  const char* name,
  GdkCursor* fallback

Description [src]

Creates a new cursor by looking up name in the current cursor theme.

A recommended set of cursor names that will work across different platforms can be found in the CSS specification:

“none” No cursor
“default” The default cursor
“help” Help is available
“pointer” Indicates a link or interactive element
“context-menu” A context menu is available
“progress” Progress indicator
“wait” Busy cursor
“cell” Cell(s) may be selected
“crosshair” Simple crosshair
“text” Text may be selected
“vertical-text” Vertical text may be selected
“alias” DND: Something will be linked
“copy” DND: Something will be copied
“move” DND: Something will be moved
“dnd-ask” DND: User can choose action to be carried out
“no-drop” DND: Can’t drop here
“not-allowed” DND: Action will not be carried out
“grab” DND: Something can be grabbed
“grabbing” DND: Something is being grabbed
“n-resize” Resizing: Move north border
“e-resize” Resizing: Move east border
“s-resize” Resizing: Move south border
“w-resize” Resizing: Move west border
“ne-resize” Resizing: Move north-east corner
“nw-resize” Resizing: Move north-west corner
“sw-resize” Resizing: Move south-west corner
“se-resize” Resizing: Move south-east corner
“col-resize” Resizing: Move an item or border horizontally
“row-resize” Resizing: Move an item or border vertically
“ew-resize” Moving: Something can be moved horizontally
“ns-resize” Moving: Something can be moved vertically
“nesw-resize” Moving: Something can be moved diagonally, north-east to south-west
“nwse-resize” Moving: something can be moved diagonally, north-west to south-east
“all-resize” Moving: Something can be moved in any direction
“all-scroll” Can scroll in any direction
“zoom-in” Zoom in
“zoom-out” Zoom out



Type: const char*

The name of the cursor.

The data is owned by the caller of the function.
The value is a NUL terminated UTF-8 string.

Type: GdkCursor

NULL or the GdkCursor to fall back to when this one cannot be supported.

The argument can be NULL.
The data is owned by the caller of the function.

Return value

Type: GdkCursor

A new GdkCursor, or NULL if there is no cursor with the given name.

The caller of the function takes ownership of the data, and is responsible for freeing it.
The return value can be NULL.