

since: 2.24

Declaration [src]

const gint*
g_unix_fd_list_peek_fds (
  GUnixFDList* list,
  gint* length

Description [src]

Returns the array of file descriptors that is contained in this object.

After this call, the descriptors remain the property of list. The caller must not close them and must not free the array. The array is valid only until list is changed in any way.

If length is non-NULL then it is set to the number of file descriptors in the returned array. The returned array is also terminated with -1.

This function never returns NULL. In case there are no file descriptors contained in list, an empty array is returned.

Available since: 2.24



Type: gint*

Pointer to the length of the returned array, or NULL.

The argument will be set by the function.
The argument can be NULL.

Return value

Type: An array of gint

An array of file descriptors.

The length of the array is in the length argument.
The data is owned by the instance.