

since: 2.36

Declaration [src]

g_simple_proxy_resolver_new (
  const gchar* default_proxy,
  gchar** ignore_hosts

Description [src]

Creates a new GSimpleProxyResolver. See GSimpleProxyResolver:default-proxy and GSimpleProxyResolver:ignore-hosts for more details on how the arguments are interpreted.

Available since: 2.36



Type: const gchar*

The default proxy to use, eg “socks://”

The argument can be NULL.
The data is owned by the caller of the function.
The value is a NUL terminated UTF-8 string.

Type: An array of gchar*

An optional list of hosts/IP addresses to not use a proxy for.

The argument can be NULL.
The array must be NULL-terminated.
The data is owned by the caller of the function.
Each element is a NUL terminated UTF-8 string.

Return value

Type: GProxyResolver

A new GSimpleProxyResolver.

The caller of the function takes ownership of the data, and is responsible for freeing it.