

Declaration [src]

g_variant_new_parsed (
  const gchar* format,

Description [src]

Parses format and returns the result.

format must be a text format GVariant with one extension: at any point that a value may appear in the text, a ‘%’ character followed by a GVariant format string (as per g_variant_new()) may appear. In that case, the same arguments are collected from the argument list as g_variant_new() would have collected.

Note that the arguments must be of the correct width for their types specified in format. This can be achieved by casting them. See the GVariant varargs documentation.

Consider this simple example:

 g_variant_new_parsed ("[('one', 1), ('two', %i), (%s, 3)]", 2, "three");

In the example, the variable argument parameters are collected and filled in as if they were part of the original string to produce the result of

[('one', 1), ('two', 2), ('three', 3)]

This function is intended only to be used with format as a string literal. Any parse error is fatal to the calling process. If you want to parse data from untrusted sources, use g_variant_parse().

You may not use this function to return, unmodified, a single GVariant pointer from the argument list. ie: format may not solely be anything along the lines of “%*”, “%?”, “\%r”, or anything starting with “%@”.

This function is not directly available to language bindings.



Type: const gchar*

A text format GVariant.

The data is owned by the caller of the function.
The value is a NUL terminated UTF-8 string.


Arguments as per format.

Return value

Type: GVariant

A new floating GVariant instance.

The caller of the function takes ownership of the data, and is responsible for freeing it.