

since: 2.16

Declaration [src]

g_test_create_case (
  const char* test_name,
  gsize data_size,
  gconstpointer test_data,
  GTestFixtureFunc data_setup,
  GTestFixtureFunc data_test,
  GTestFixtureFunc data_teardown

Description [src]

Create a new GTestCase, named test_name.

This API is fairly low level, and calling g_test_add() or g_test_add_func() is preferable.

When this test is executed, a fixture structure of size data_size will be automatically allocated and filled with zeros. Then data_setup is called to initialize the fixture. After fixture setup, the actual test function data_test is called. Once the test run completes, the fixture structure is torn down by calling data_teardown and after that the memory is automatically released by the test framework.

Splitting up a test run into fixture setup, test function and fixture teardown is most useful if the same fixture type is used for multiple tests. In this cases, g_test_create_case() will be called with the same type of fixture (the data_size argument), but varying test_name and data_test arguments.

Available since: 2.16

This function is not directly available to language bindings.



Type: const char*

The name for the test case.

The data is owned by the caller of the function.
The value is a NUL terminated UTF-8 string.

Type: gsize

The size of the fixture data structure.


Type: gconstpointer

Test data argument for the test functions.

The argument can be NULL.
The data is owned by the caller of the function.

Type: GTestFixtureFunc

The function to set up the fixture data.


Type: GTestFixtureFunc

The actual test function.


Type: GTestFixtureFunc

The function to teardown the fixture data.

Return value

Type: GTestCase

A newly allocated GTestCase.

The data is owned by the called function.