


g_hash_table_new_full (
  GHashFunc hash_func,
  GEqualFunc key_equal_func,
  GDestroyNotify key_destroy_func,
  GDestroyNotify value_destroy_func


Creates a new GHashTable like g_hash_table_new() with a reference count of 1 and allows to specify functions to free the memory allocated for the key and value that get called when removing the entry from the GHashTable.

Since version 2.42 it is permissible for destroy notify functions to recursively remove further items from the hash table. This is only permissible if the application still holds a reference to the hash table. This means that you may need to ensure that the hash table is empty by calling g_hash_table_remove_all() before releasing the last reference using g_hash_table_unref().

This function is not directly available to language bindings.



Type: GHashFunc

A function to create a hash value from a key.


Type: GEqualFunc

A function to check two keys for equality.


Type: GDestroyNotify

A function to free the memory allocated for the key used when removing the entry from the GHashTable, or NULL if you don’t want to supply such a function.


Type: GDestroyNotify

A function to free the memory allocated for the value used when removing the entry from the GHashTable, or NULL if you don’t want to supply such a function.

Return value

Type: GHashTable

A new GHashTable.

The caller of the function takes ownership of the data, and is responsible for freeing it.