

since: 2.72

Description [src]

final class GObject.SignalGroup : GObject.Object {
  /* No available fields */

GSignalGroup manages a collection of signals on a GObject.

GSignalGroup simplifies the process of connecting many signals to a GObject as a group. As such there is no API to disconnect a signal from the group.

In particular, this allows you to:

  • Change the target instance, which automatically causes disconnection of the signals from the old instance and connecting to the new instance.
  • Block and unblock signals as a group
  • Ensuring that blocked state transfers across target instances.

One place you might want to use such a structure is with GtkTextView and GtkTextBuffer. Often times, you’ll need to connect to many signals on GtkTextBuffer from a GtkTextView subclass. This allows you to create a signal group during instance construction, simply bind the GtkTextView:buffer property to GSignalGroup:target and connect all the signals you need. When the GtkTextView:buffer property changes all of the signals will be transitioned correctly.

Available since: 2.72




Creates a new GSignalGroup for target instances of target_type.

since: 2.72

Instance methods


Blocks all signal handlers managed by self so they will not be called during any signal emissions. Must be unblocked exactly the same number of times it has been blocked to become active again.

since: 2.72


Connects c_handler to the signal detailed_signal on the target instance of self.

since: 2.72


Connects c_handler to the signal detailed_signal on the target instance of self.

since: 2.72


Connects closure to the signal detailed_signal on GSignalGroup:target.

since: 2.74


Connects c_handler to the signal detailed_signal on the target instance of self.

since: 2.72


Connects c_handler to the signal detailed_signal on GSignalGroup:target.

since: 2.72


Connects c_handler to the signal detailed_signal on the target instance of self.

since: 2.72


Gets the target instance used when connecting signals.

since: 2.72


Sets the target instance used when connecting signals. Any signal that has been registered with g_signal_group_connect_object() or similar functions will be connected to this object.

since: 2.72


Unblocks all signal handlers managed by self so they will be called again during any signal emissions unless it is blocked again. Must be unblocked exactly the same number of times it has been blocked to become active again.

since: 2.72

Methods inherited from GObject (43)

Please see GObject for a full list of methods.



The target instance used when connecting signals.

since: 2.72


The GType of the target property.

since: 2.72



This signal is emitted when GSignalGroup:target is set to a new value other than NULL. It is similar to GObject::notify on target except it will not emit when GSignalGroup:target is NULL and also allows for receiving the GObject without a data-race.

since: 2.72


This signal is emitted when the target instance of self is set to a new GObject.

since: 2.72

Signals inherited from GObject (1)

The notify signal is emitted on an object when one of its properties has its value set through g_object_set_property(), g_object_set(), et al.