

Description [src]

interface Gtk.StyleProvider : GObject.Object

GtkStyleProvider is an interface used to provide style information to a GtkStyleContext. See gtk_style_context_add_provider() and gtk_style_context_add_provider_for_screen().


In order to implement StyleProvider, your type must inherit fromGObject.

Instance methods


Returns the GtkIconFactory defined to be in use for path, or NULL if none is defined.

deprecated: 3.8 since: 3.0


Returns the style settings affecting a widget defined by path, or NULL if provider doesn’t contemplate styling path.

deprecated: 3.8 since: 3.0


Looks up a widget style property as defined by provider for the widget represented by path.

since: 3.0

Interface structure

struct GtkStyleProviderIface {
  GtkStyleProperties* (* get_style) (
    GtkStyleProvider* provider,
    GtkWidgetPath* path
  gboolean (* get_style_property) (
    GtkStyleProvider* provider,
    GtkWidgetPath* path,
    GtkStateFlags state,
    GParamSpec* pspec,
    GValue* value
  GtkIconFactory* (* get_icon_factory) (
    GtkStyleProvider* provider,
    GtkWidgetPath* path

No description available.

Interface members
GtkStyleProperties* (* get_style) (
    GtkStyleProvider* provider,
    GtkWidgetPath* path

Gets a set of style information that applies to a widget path.

gboolean (* get_style_property) (
    GtkStyleProvider* provider,
    GtkWidgetPath* path,
    GtkStateFlags state,
    GParamSpec* pspec,
    GValue* value

Gets the value of a widget style property that applies to a widget path.

GtkIconFactory* (* get_icon_factory) (
    GtkStyleProvider* provider,
    GtkWidgetPath* path

Gets the icon factory that applies to a widget path.

Virtual methods


Returns the GtkIconFactory defined to be in use for path, or NULL if none is defined.

deprecated: 3.8 since: 3.0


Returns the style settings affecting a widget defined by path, or NULL if provider doesn’t contemplate styling path.

deprecated: 3.8 since: 3.0


Looks up a widget style property as defined by provider for the widget represented by path.

since: 3.0