

since: 3.16

Declaration [src]

gtk_search_entry_handle_event (
  GtkSearchEntry* entry,
  GdkEvent* event

Description [src]

This function should be called when the top-level window which contains the search entry received a key event. If the entry is part of a GtkSearchBar, it is preferable to call gtk_search_bar_handle_event() instead, which will reveal the entry in addition to passing the event to this function.

If the key event is handled by the search entry and starts or continues a search, GDK_EVENT_STOP will be returned. The caller should ensure that the entry is shown in this case, and not propagate the event further.

Available since: 3.16



Type: GdkEvent

A key event.

The data is owned by the caller of the method.

Return value

Type: gboolean

GDK_EVENT_STOP if the key press event resulted in a search beginning or continuing, GDK_EVENT_PROPAGATE otherwise.