

since: 2.10


preview (
  GtkPrintOperation* self,
  GtkPrintOperationPreview* preview,
  GtkPrintContext* context,
  GtkWindow* parent,
  gpointer user_data

Description [src]

Gets emitted when a preview is requested from the native dialog.

The default handler for this signal uses an external viewer application to preview.

To implement a custom print preview, an application must return TRUE from its handler for this signal. In order to use the provided context for the preview implementation, it must be given a suitable cairo context with gtk_print_context_set_cairo_context().

The custom preview implementation can use gtk_print_operation_preview_is_selected() and gtk_print_operation_preview_render_page() to find pages which are selected for print and render them. The preview must be finished by calling gtk_print_operation_preview_end_preview() (typically in response to the user clicking a close button).

Default handler:

The default handler is called after the handlers added via g_signal_connect().

Available since: 2.10



Type: GtkPrintOperationPreview

The GtkPrintOperationPreview for the current operation.

The data is owned by the caller of the function.

Type: GtkPrintContext

The GtkPrintContext that will be used.

The data is owned by the caller of the function.

Type: GtkWindow

The GtkWindow to use as window parent, or NULL.

The argument can be NULL.
The data is owned by the caller of the function.

Return value

Type: gboolean

TRUE if the listener wants to take over control of the preview.