

Description [src]

class Gio.AppLaunchContext : GObject.Object {
  parent_instance: GObject

Integrating the launch with the launching application. This is used to handle for instance startup notification and launching the new application on the same screen as the launching window.




Creates a new application launch context. This is not normally used, instead you instantiate a subclass of this, such as GdkAppLaunchContext.

Instance methods


Gets the display string for the context. This is used to ensure new applications are started on the same display as the launching application, by setting the DISPLAY environment variable.


Gets the complete environment variable list to be passed to the child process when context is used to launch an application. This is a NULL-terminated array of strings, where each string has the form KEY=VALUE.

since: 2.32


Initiates startup notification for the application and returns the XDG_ACTIVATION_TOKEN or DESKTOP_STARTUP_ID for the launched operation, if supported.


Called when an application has failed to launch, so that it can cancel the application startup notification started in g_app_launch_context_get_startup_notify_id().


Arranges for variable to be set to value in the child’s environment when context is used to launch an application.

since: 2.32


Arranges for variable to be unset in the child’s environment when context is used to launch an application.

since: 2.32

Methods inherited from GObject (43)

Please see GObject for a full list of methods.



The GAppLaunchContext::launch-failed signal is emitted when a GAppInfo launch fails. The startup notification id is provided, so that the launcher can cancel the startup notification.

since: 2.36


The GAppLaunchContext::launch-started signal is emitted when a GAppInfo is about to be launched. If non-null the platform_data is an GVariant dictionary mapping strings to variants (ie a{sv}), which contains additional, platform-specific data about this launch. On UNIX, at least the startup-notification-id keys will be present.

since: 2.72


The GAppLaunchContext::launched signal is emitted when a GAppInfo is successfully launched.

since: 2.36

Signals inherited from GObject (1)

The notify signal is emitted on an object when one of its properties has its value set through g_object_set_property(), g_object_set(), et al.

Class structure

struct GioAppLaunchContextClass {
  GObjectClass parent_class;
  char* (* get_display) (
    GAppLaunchContext* context,
    GAppInfo* info,
    GList* files
  char* (* get_startup_notify_id) (
    GAppLaunchContext* context,
    GAppInfo* info,
    GList* files
  void (* launch_failed) (
    GAppLaunchContext* context,
    const char* startup_notify_id
  void (* launched) (
    GAppLaunchContext* context,
    GAppInfo* info,
    GVariant* platform_data
  void (* launch_started) (
    GAppLaunchContext* context,
    GAppInfo* info,
    GVariant* platform_data
  void (* _g_reserved1) (
  void (* _g_reserved2) (
  void (* _g_reserved3) (
No description available.
Class members
parent_class: GObjectClass
No description available.
get_display: char* (* get_display) ( GAppLaunchContext* context, GAppInfo* info, GList* files )
No description available.
get_startup_notify_id: char* (* get_startup_notify_id) ( GAppLaunchContext* context, GAppInfo* info, GList* files )
No description available.
launch_failed: void (* launch_failed) ( GAppLaunchContext* context, const char* startup_notify_id )
No description available.
launched: void (* launched) ( GAppLaunchContext* context, GAppInfo* info, GVariant* platform_data )
No description available.
launch_started: void (* launch_started) ( GAppLaunchContext* context, GAppInfo* info, GVariant* platform_data )
No description available.
_g_reserved1: void (* _g_reserved1) ( void )
No description available.
_g_reserved2: void (* _g_reserved2) ( void )
No description available.
_g_reserved3: void (* _g_reserved3) ( void )
No description available.

Virtual methods


Gets the display string for the context. This is used to ensure new applications are started on the same display as the launching application, by setting the DISPLAY environment variable.


Initiates startup notification for the application and returns the XDG_ACTIVATION_TOKEN or DESKTOP_STARTUP_ID for the launched operation, if supported.


Called when an application has failed to launch, so that it can cancel the application startup notification started in g_app_launch_context_get_startup_notify_id().

No description available.

No description available.