

since: 2.80

Description [src]

final class GIRepository.Repository : GObject.Object {
  /* No available fields */

GIRepository is used to manage repositories of namespaces. Namespaces are represented on disk by type libraries (.typelib files).

The individual pieces of API within a type library are represented by subclasses of GIBaseInfo. These can be found using methods like gi_repository_find_by_name() or gi_repository_get_info().

You are responsible for ensuring that the lifetime of the GIRepository exceeds that of the lifetime of any of its GIBaseInfos. This cannot be guaranteed by using internal references within libgirepository as that would affect performance.

Discovery of type libraries

GIRepository will typically look for a girepository-1.0 directory under the library directory used when compiling gobject-introspection. On a standard Linux system this will end up being /usr/lib/girepository-1.0.

It is possible to control the search paths programmatically, using gi_repository_prepend_search_path(). It is also possible to modify the search paths by using the GI_TYPELIB_PATH environment variable. The environment variable takes precedence over the default search path and the gi_repository_prepend_search_path() calls.

Namespace ordering

In situations where namespaces may be searched in order, or returned in a list, the namespaces will be returned in alphabetical order, with all fully loaded namespaces being returned before any lazily loaded ones (those loaded with GI_REPOSITORY_LOAD_FLAG_LAZY). This allows for deterministic and reproducible results.

Similarly, if a symbol (such as a GType or error domain) is being searched for in the set of loaded namespaces, the namespaces will be searched in that order. In particular, this means that a symbol which exists in two namespaces will always be returned from the alphabetically-higher namespace. This should only happen in the case of Gio and GioUnix/GioWin32, which all refer to the same .so file and expose overlapping sets of symbols. Symbols should always end up being resolved to GioUnix or GioWin32 if they are platform dependent, rather than Gio itself.

Available since: 2.80




Create a new GIRepository.

since: 2.80



Dump the introspection data from the types specified in input_filename to output_filename.

since: 2.80

No description available.


Obtain the option group for girepository.

since: 2.80

Instance methods


Obtain an unordered list of versions (either currently loaded or available) for namespace_ in this repository.

since: 2.80


Searches for the enum type corresponding to the given GError domain.

since: 2.80


Searches all loaded namespaces for a particular GType.

since: 2.80


Searches for a particular entry in a namespace.

since: 2.80


This function returns the ‘C prefix’, or the C level namespace associated with the given introspection namespace.

since: 2.80


Retrieves all (transitive) versioned dependencies for namespace_.

since: 2.80


Return an array of the immediate versioned dependencies for namespace_. Returned strings are of the form namespace-version.

since: 2.80


This function returns a particular metadata entry in the given namespace namespace_.

since: 2.80


Returns the current search path GIRepository will use when loading shared libraries referenced by imported namespaces.

since: 2.80


Return the list of currently loaded namespaces.

since: 2.80


This function returns the number of metadata entries in given namespace namespace_.

since: 2.80


Look up the implemented interfaces for gtype.

since: 2.80


Returns the current search path GIRepository will use when loading typelib files.

since: 2.80


This function returns an array of paths to the shared C libraries associated with the given namespace namespace_.

since: 2.80


If namespace namespace_ is loaded, return the full path to the .typelib file it was loaded from.

since: 2.80


This function returns the loaded version associated with the given namespace namespace_.

since: 2.80


Check whether a particular namespace (and optionally, a specific version thereof) is currently loaded.

since: 2.80


Load the given typelib into the repository.

since: 2.80


Prepends directory to the search path that is used to search shared libraries referenced by imported namespaces.

since: 2.80


Prepends directory to the typelib search path.

since: 2.80


Force the namespace namespace_ to be loaded if it isn’t already.

since: 2.80


Force the namespace namespace_ to be loaded if it isn’t already.

since: 2.80

Methods inherited from GObject (43)

Please see GObject for a full list of methods.


Signals inherited from GObject (1)

The notify signal is emitted on an object when one of its properties has its value set through g_object_set_property(), g_object_set(), et al.

Class structure

struct GIRepositoryRepositoryClass {
  GObjectClass parent_class;
No description available.
Class members
parent_class: GObjectClass
No description available.