


Description [src]

class Gtk.CellRendererCombo : Gtk.CellRendererText
  /* No available fields */

GtkCellRendererCombo renders text in a cell like GtkCellRendererText from which it is derived. But while GtkCellRendererText offers a simple entry to edit the text, GtkCellRendererCombo offers a GtkComboBox widget to edit the text. The values to display in the combo box are taken from the tree model specified in the GtkCellRendererCombo:model property.

The combo cell renderer takes care of adding a text cell renderer to the combo box and sets it to display the column specified by its GtkCellRendererCombo:text-column property. Further properties of the combo box can be set in a handler for the GtkCellRenderer::editing-started signal.

The GtkCellRendererCombo cell renderer was added in GTK+ 2.6.



hierarchy this GtkCellRendererCombo ancestor_0 GtkCellRendererText ancestor_0--this ancestor_1 GtkCellRenderer ancestor_1--ancestor_0 ancestor_2 GInitiallyUnowned ancestor_2--ancestor_1 ancestor_3 GObject ancestor_3--ancestor_2



Creates a new GtkCellRendererCombo. Adjust how text is drawn using object properties. Object properties can be set globally (with g_object_set()). Also, with GtkTreeViewColumn, you can bind a property to a value in a GtkTreeModel. For example, you can bind the “text” property on the cell renderer to a string value in the model, thus rendering a different string in each row of the GtkTreeView.

since: 2.6


Instance methods

Methods inherited from GtkCellRendererText (1)
Methods inherited from GtkCellRenderer (24)
Methods inherited from GObject (43)



If TRUE, the cell renderer will include an entry and allow to enter values other than the ones in the popup list.

since: 2.6


Holds a tree model containing the possible values for the combo box. Use the text_column property to specify the column holding the values.

since: 2.6


Specifies the model column which holds the possible values for the combo box.

since: 2.6

Properties inherited from GtkCellRendererText (48)
Properties inherited from GtkCellRenderer (16)



This signal is emitted each time after the user selected an item in the combo box, either by using the mouse or the arrow keys. Contrary to GtkComboBox, GtkCellRendererCombo::changed is not emitted for changes made to a selected item in the entry. The argument new_iter corresponds to the newly selected item in the combo box and it is relative to the GtkTreeModel set via the model property on GtkCellRendererCombo.

since: 2.14

Signals inherited from GtkCellRendererText (1)
Signals inherited from GtkCellRenderer (2)
Signals inherited from GObject (1)

Class structure