Virtual Method


Declaration [src]

draw_layer (
  GtkTextView* text_view,
  GtkTextViewLayer layer,
  cairo_t* cr

Description [src]

The draw_layer vfunc is called before and after the text view is drawing its own text. Applications can override this vfunc in a subclass to draw customized content underneath or above the text. In the GTK_TEXT_VIEW_LAYER_BELOW_TEXT and GTK_TEXT_VIEW_LAYER_ABOVE_TEXT the drawing is done in the buffer coordinate space, but the older (deprecated) layers GTK_TEXT_VIEW_LAYER_BELOW and GTK_TEXT_VIEW_LAYER_ABOVE work in viewport coordinates, which makes them unnecessarily hard to use. Since: 3.14.



Type: GtkTextViewLayer

No description available.


Type: cairo_t

No description available.

The data is owned by the caller of the method.