

since: 2.14

Declaration [src]

g_sequence_insert_sorted_iter (
  GSequence* seq,
  gpointer data,
  GSequenceIterCompareFunc iter_cmp,
  gpointer cmp_data

Description [src]

Like g_sequence_insert_sorted(), but uses a GSequenceIterCompareFunc instead of a GCompareDataFunc as the compare function.

iter_cmp is called with two iterators pointing into seq. It should return 0 if the iterators are equal, a negative value if the first iterator comes before the second, and a positive value if the second iterator comes before the first.

Note that when adding a large amount of data to a GSequence, it is more efficient to do unsorted insertions and then call g_sequence_sort() or g_sequence_sort_iter().

Available since: 2.14



Type: gpointer

Data for the new item.

The argument can be NULL.
The data is owned by the caller of the function.

Type: GSequenceIterCompareFunc

The function used to compare iterators in the sequence.


Type: gpointer

User data passed to iter_cmp.

The argument can be NULL.
The data is owned by the caller of the function.

Return value

Type: GSequenceIter

A GSequenceIter pointing to the new item.

The data is owned by the instance.