

since: 2.62

Declaration [src]

g_ptr_array_extend_and_steal (
  GPtrArray* array_to_extend,
  GPtrArray* array

Description [src]

Adds all the pointers in array to the end of array_to_extend, transferring ownership of each element from array to array_to_extend and modifying array_to_extend in-place. array is then freed.

As with g_ptr_array_free(), array will be destroyed if its reference count is 1. If its reference count is higher, it will be decremented and the length of array set to zero.

Available since: 2.62

This function is not directly available to language bindings.



Type: An array of gpointer

A GPtrArray.

The data is owned by the caller of the function.

Type: An array of gpointer

A GPtrArray to add to the end of array_to_extend.

The called function takes ownership of the data container, but not the data inside it.