

deprecated: 3.14 since: 3.0

Declaration [src]

gtk_numerable_icon_set_count (
  GtkNumerableIcon* self,
  gint count

Description [src]

Sets the currently displayed value of self to count.

The numeric value is always clamped to make it two digits, i.e. between -99 and 99. Setting a count of zero removes the emblem. If this method is called, and a label was already set on the icon, it will automatically be reset to NULL before rendering the number, i.e. the last method called between gtk_numerable_icon_set_count() and gtk_numerable_icon_set_label() has always priority.

Available since: 3.0

Deprecated since: 3.14

Please do not use it in newly written code.



Type: gint

A number between -99 and 99.