

since: 2.48

Declaration [src]

g_dtls_connection_set_database (
  GDtlsConnection* conn,
  GTlsDatabase* database

Description [src]

Sets the certificate database that is used to verify peer certificates. This is set to the default database by default. See g_tls_backend_get_default_database(). If set to NULL, then peer certificate validation will always set the G_TLS_CERTIFICATE_UNKNOWN_CA error (meaning GDtlsConnection::accept-certificate will always be emitted on client-side connections, unless that bit is not set in GDtlsClientConnection:validation-flags).

There are nonintuitive security implications when using a non-default database. See GDtlsConnection:database for details.

Available since: 2.48



Type: GTlsDatabase

A GTlsDatabase.

The argument can be NULL.
The data is owned by the caller of the function.