

deprecated: 3.10 since: 2.4

Declaration [src]

gtk_ui_manager_add_ui_from_file (
  GtkUIManager* manager,
  const gchar* filename,
  GError** error

Description [src]

Parses a file containing a [UI definition][XML-UI] and merges it with the current contents of manager.

Available since: 2.4

Deprecated since: 3.10

Please do not use it in newly written code.



Type: const gchar*

The name of the file to parse.

The data is owned by the caller of the method.
The value is a platform-native string, using the preferred OS encoding on Unix and UTF-8 on Windows.

Type: GError **

The return location for a recoverable error.

The argument can be NULL.
If the return location is not NULL, then you must initialize it to a NULL GError*.
The argument will be left initialized to NULL by the method if there are no errors.
In case of error, the argument will be set to a newly allocated GError; the caller will take ownership of the data, and be responsible for freeing it.

Return value

Type: guint

The merge id for the merged UI. The merge id can be used to unmerge the UI with gtk_ui_manager_remove_ui(). If an error occurred, the return value is 0.