

Declaration [src]

g_list_sort (
  GList* list,
  GCompareFunc compare_func

Description [src]

Sorts a GList using the given comparison function. The algorithm used is a stable sort.

This function is not directly available to language bindings.



Type: A list of gpointer

A GList, this must point to the top of the list.

The data is owned by the caller of the function.

Type: GCompareFunc

The comparison function used to sort the GList. This function is passed the data from 2 elements of the GList and should return 0 if they are equal, a negative value if the first element comes before the second, or a positive value if the first element comes after the second.

Return value

Type: A list of gpointer

The (possibly changed) start of the GList.

The data is owned by the called function.