Virtual Method


Declaration [src]

adjust_size_allocation (
  GtkWidget* widget,
  GtkOrientation orientation,
  gint* minimum_size,
  gint* natural_size,
  gint* allocated_pos,
  gint* allocated_size

Description [src]

Convert an initial size allocation assigned by a GtkContainer using gtk_widget_size_allocate(), into an actual size allocation to be used by the widget. adjust_size_allocation adjusts to a child widget’s actual allocation from what a parent container computed for the child. The adjusted allocation must be entirely within the original allocation. In any custom implementation, chain up to the default GtkWidget implementation of this method, which applies the margin and alignment properties of GtkWidget. Chain up before performing your own adjustments so your own adjustments remove more allocation after the GtkWidget base class has already removed margin and alignment. The natural size passed in should be adjusted in the same way as the allocated size, which allows adjustments to perform alignments or other changes based on natural size.



Type: GtkOrientation

No description available.


Type: gint*

No description available.

The data is owned by the caller of the method.

Type: gint*

No description available.

The data is owned by the caller of the method.

Type: gint*

No description available.

The data is owned by the caller of the method.

Type: gint*

No description available.

The data is owned by the caller of the method.