Virtual Method


Declaration [src]

destroy (
  GtkWidget* widget

Description [src]

Destroys a widget.

When a widget is destroyed all references it holds on other objects will be released:

  • if the widget is inside a container, it will be removed from its parent
  • if the widget is a container, all its children will be destroyed, recursively
  • if the widget is a top level, it will be removed from the list of top level widgets that GTK+ maintains internally

It’s expected that all references held on the widget will also be released; you should connect to the GtkWidget::destroy signal if you hold a reference to widget and you wish to remove it when this function is called. It is not necessary to do so if you are implementing a GtkContainer, as you’ll be able to use the GtkContainerClass.remove() virtual function for that.

It’s important to notice that gtk_widget_destroy() will only cause the widget to be finalized if no additional references, acquired using g_object_ref(), are held on it. In case additional references are in place, the widget will be in an “inert” state after calling this function; widget will still point to valid memory, allowing you to release the references you hold, but you may not query the widget’s own state.

You should typically call this function on top level widgets, and rarely on child widgets.

See also: gtk_container_remove().