

since: 2.80

Declaration [src]

g_task_return_prefixed_error (
  GTask* task,
  GError* error,
  const char* format,

Description [src]

Sets tasks result to error (which task assumes ownership of), with the message prefixed according to format, and completes the task (see g_task_return_pointer() for more discussion of exactly what this means).

Note that since the task takes ownership of error, and since the task may be completed before returning from g_task_return_prefixed_error(), you cannot assume that error is still valid after calling this. Call g_error_copy() on the error if you need to keep a local copy as well.

See also g_task_return_error(), g_prefix_error().

Available since: 2.80

This method is not directly available to language bindings.



Type: GError

The GError result of a task function.

The instance takes ownership of the data, and is responsible for freeing it.

Type: const char*

A string with format characters.

The data is owned by the caller of the function.
The value is a NUL terminated UTF-8 string.


A list of values to insert into format.