

since: 2.60

Declaration [src]

g_task_set_name (
  GTask* task,
  const gchar* name

Description [src]

Sets task’s name, used in debugging and profiling. The name defaults to NULL.

The task name should describe in a human readable way what the task does. For example, ‘Open file’ or ‘Connect to network host’. It is used to set the name of the GSource used for idle completion of the task.

This function may only be called before the task is first used in a thread other than the one it was constructed in. It is called automatically by g_task_set_source_tag() if not called already.

Available since: 2.60



Type: const gchar*

A human readable name for the task, or NULL to unset it.

The argument can be NULL.
The data is owned by the caller of the method.
The value is a NUL terminated UTF-8 string.