

since: 2.24

Declaration [src]

g_variant_get_child_value (
  GVariant* value,
  gsize index_

Description [src]

Reads a child item out of a container GVariant instance. This includes variants, maybes, arrays, tuples and dictionary entries. It is an error to call this function on any other type of GVariant.

It is an error if index_ is greater than the number of child items in the container. See g_variant_n_children().

The returned value is never floating. You should free it with g_variant_unref() when you’re done with it.

Note that values borrowed from the returned child are not guaranteed to still be valid after the child is freed even if you still hold a reference to value, if value has not been serialized at the time this function is called. To avoid this, you can serialize value by calling g_variant_get_data() and optionally ignoring the return value.

There may be implementation specific restrictions on deeply nested values, which would result in the unit tuple being returned as the child value, instead of further nested children. GVariant is guaranteed to handle nesting up to at least 64 levels.

This function is O(1).

Available since: 2.24



Type: gsize

The index of the child to fetch.

Return value

Type: GVariant

The child at the specified index.

The caller of the method takes ownership of the data, and is responsible for freeing it.