

since: 3.4


Description [src]

class Gtk.ColorChooserWidget : Gtk.Box
  implements Atk.ImplementorIface, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.ColorChooser, Gtk.Orientable {
  /* No available fields */

The GtkColorChooserWidget widget lets the user select a color. By default, the chooser presents a predefined palette of colors, plus a small number of settable custom colors. It is also possible to select a different color with the single-color editor. To enter the single-color editing mode, use the context menu of any color of the palette, or use the ‘+’ button to add a new custom color.

The chooser automatically remembers the last selection, as well as custom colors.

To change the initially selected color, use gtk_color_chooser_set_rgba(). To get the selected color use gtk_color_chooser_get_rgba().

The GtkColorChooserWidget is used in the GtkColorChooserDialog to provide a dialog for selecting colors.

CSS names

GtkColorChooserWidget has a single CSS node with name colorchooser.

Available since: 3.4



hierarchy this GtkColorChooserWidget implements_0 AtkImplementorIface this--implements_0 implements_1 GtkBuildable this--implements_1 implements_2 GtkColorChooser this--implements_2 implements_3 GtkOrientable this--implements_3 ancestor_0 GtkBox ancestor_0--this ancestor_1 GtkContainer ancestor_1--ancestor_0 ancestor_2 GtkWidget ancestor_2--ancestor_1 ancestor_3 GInitiallyUnowned ancestor_3--ancestor_2 ancestor_4 GObject ancestor_4--ancestor_3



Creates a new GtkColorChooserWidget.

since: 3.4


Instance methods

Methods inherited from GtkBox (13)
Methods inherited from GtkContainer (33)
Methods inherited from GtkWidget (263)
Methods inherited from GObject (43)
Methods inherited from GtkBuildable (10)
Methods inherited from GtkColorChooser (5)
Methods inherited from GtkOrientable (2)



The ::show-editor property is TRUE when the color chooser is showing the single-color editor. It can be set to switch the color chooser into single-color editing mode.

since: 3.4

Properties inherited from GtkBox (3)
Properties inherited from GtkContainer (3)
Properties inherited from GtkWidget (39)
Properties inherited from GtkColorChooser (2)
Properties inherited from GtkOrientable (1)


Signals inherited from GtkContainer (4)
Signals inherited from GtkWidget (69)
Signals inherited from GObject (1)
Signals inherited from GtkColorChooser (1)

Class structure