

since: 3.4

Declaration [src]

gtk_window_set_attached_to (
  GtkWindow* window,
  GtkWidget* attach_widget

Description [src]

Marks window as attached to attach_widget. This creates a logical binding between the window and the widget it belongs to, which is used by GTK+ to propagate information such as styling or accessibility to window as if it was a children of attach_widget.

Examples of places where specifying this relation is useful are for instance a GtkMenu created by a GtkComboBox, a completion popup window created by GtkEntry or a typeahead search entry created by GtkTreeView.

Note that this function should not be confused with gtk_window_set_transient_for(), which specifies a window manager relation between two toplevels instead.

Passing NULL for attach_widget detaches the window.

Available since: 3.4

Sets propertyGtk.Window:attached-to



Type: GtkWidget

A GtkWidget, or NULL.

The argument can be NULL.
The data is owned by the caller of the method.